[CATEGORIZE] Update, misc.

Just back from holiday in an internet-less world. I think I have the bends now; need decompressing before I deal with my Inbox.  Today someone said 'well, publication is only a week away' and I said 'WHAT?'.

Nevertheless, may I kindly draw your attention to the following:

a) clever Kirsty Lang turned out to know more Hungarian than me, damn damn - http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p01ds32s

b) smart new Events tab on this website - come on, book something to save me the hell of Reading Shame.

c) Almost English available now, please buy a copy and singlehandedly save the British book trade, high street, etc.  Signed copies soon at Goldsboro Books in central London, and probably everywhere else I go, like breadcrumbs.

d) Hooray http://www.theguardian.com/books/2013/aug/07/almost-english-charlotte-mendelson-review. The first review! 

e) and a Q&A from The World's Greatest Bookshop i.e. Foyles: 

